Monday, March 7, 2011 0 comments

Upper braces on!

I had my upper braces on yesterday.. I had to wake up pretty early and leave by 8am because I had to drop off my car at the dealership to get my free repair of the power steering recall..

After I dropped off my car yesterday, I took the bus to downtown where my orthodontist and my dentist located. I arrived in Downtown around 9:15am.. no stores open yet, only coffeeshops. I went in to the mall to stay warm.. tried to find seats where I could wait until 10am when the mall was gonna open. My braces appointment was at 10:50am. I guess it went pretty well although it kinda hurt a lot when they were having troubles putting the brackets on at the far back of my mouth.. I got out of the orthodontist office around 12:30pm. I went to Barnes and Nobles book store and looked at books for 2 hours.. Until I finally starved myself..

I ordered from a Thai restaurant, a Spicy Chili fried rice substituting the meat with tofu. It was so good.
