Tuesday, May 29, 2012 0 comments


Went in for adjustment and cleaning today. I'm no longer wearing rubber band for this area, but still wearing this one and still half-time (12hrs). This time I'm given two additional rubber bands that I have to wear full time that go on my front teeth. I was still able to eat when I got home at 6pm and had a nice spaghetti.. but around 8pm, my teeth started to hurt and felt so tight.. until now. Per usual, I'm expecting this will last for the next 2-3 days. Probably 3 days. 

I hope that nothing will break. Last month I was yawning widely in the morning, and I broke one of the hook. I came in for a fix a few days later. I was made this wire and it was placed around the bracket with the broken hook, then it was held under my chain so it stayed put. For today's adjustment, I noticed that they had removed the chain from my lower braces, but kept the upper one on. I have had the surgical hook for the upper braces since last month, but they added the surgical hook for the lower braces today. I didn't have problem with the upper one. But the lower one doesn't feel too great, and it gave me discomfort when I was eating. It felt really sharp and obstructive.. and seems like it's irritating the inner of my lower lip. Hopefully I'll get used to this very soon.

At this point, my teeth are pretty much straight.. but all the efforts now are now focused on correcting my bite that's asymmetrical (I think it's the tricky part) and to make my upper teeth meet with my lower teeth (thus the rubber bands).

Last month as I mentioned that I had a slight scare after seeing the result of the xray. There was a dense cell or some kind shown on the x-ray.. I never heard from them but today I asked again, just to make sure that it's really nothing. We compared the latest xray with the first one that was taken before my orthodontic treatment, we saw that it was already there before and no change with it so my orthodontist told me that it doesn't seem serious nor dangerous, because it means that it's not growing or moving. Also, I overheard my ortho told the assistant who was writing my info down, that the measurement of the gap where I'm getting an implant is 8mm now.

I also met my regular dentist today after my cleaning, and he did the exam today. He said that my teeth look good, and he seemed impressed with my progress since the first time I came to his office years ago. Anyway he explained to me that once my orthodontic treatment is finished then we can take care of my teeth. I asked about the implant too and he said that the mandibular is perfect for implant, and there are some areas that I can't get implants because of the bone structure. He said that once I get my braces off, my orthodontist is going to make me a retainer with something like a fake teeth to fill in that gap for me to wear, so it will retain the space for the implant. I was relieved to hear that. Because according to my ortho plan, I would have my braces off by August or October the latest.. and I'm planning to get the implant next year instead.. but I was so worried that my teeth will start moving all over the places and will impact the gap/space reserved for the implant, if I wait too long to get an implant! So hearing this explanation is good news for me. :)

Three types of elastic bands I've worn so far:
Bummer (diameter: 4.6mm or 3/16"; force: 170.1g)
Louie (diameter: 7.9mm or 5/16"; force: 113.4g)
India (diameter: 3mm or 1/8"; force: 4oz)
Thursday, April 26, 2012 0 comments


Today I had my appointment again.

I went in for a panoramic x-ray last Friday morning, yet my orthodontist hadn't received the x-ray result from them today.. so they asked the Radiology to email it to them and they printed it out on a regular paper then on a photo paper. They made a lot of adjustment to my braces, my ortho didn't say anything bad.. but the assistant pointed out to an area in my left chin area on the x-ray.. like a lump or something so she asked him, "Are those cells?" My orthodontist said, "It's called cematoma (not sure how to spell it).. They're basically dense cells. We should compare it to her old x-ray and see if it was already there." I turned my head to the x-ray print out.. I asked him what that was, or if that's a tooth. He said it's dense cells. In my head I was already scared to death, "My God, what if it's a tumor!" He said that he'd compare it to the old x-ray and the only thing we could do is to watch it. I don't feel any lump on my gum, it's inside my chin under my skin above the left jaw bone or something.

Afterwards I asked the assistant if I could have a copy of the x-ray. She said I could have the one they printed earlier on regular paper, or if I wanted something better I could ask the front desk to print it for me on the photo paper instead. I asked if the 'cematoma' is dangerous. She said that they would study it again and I would be hearing from them if it's anything serious. But if I don't hear anything from them, then it's nothing to worry about.

Below is the xray on the regular paper. It doesn't look that good, right.. The big gap on the lower left jaw is where I'm gonna get an implant next year.

Sunday, March 18, 2012 0 comments

Mid-march update

The gap has closed!

The last time I went in for my adjustment, the gap was still a bit open. So I was still on part-time wearing the elastic band. I got a hunch that says the next time I go in, they might tell me I can stop wearing the elastic band for that area. But I've been on a new elastic band for the last two months though.

The assistant told me that they're going to do some adjustment on my upper central incisors. So they give me a new elastic, placed on my left-side upper and lower cuspids. The purpose is to straighten the two because right now it's still crooked. Because the placement of this new elastic is quite visible whenever I open my mouth, it has caught a lot of attention more than bright-colored chain that I previously used. Maybe because the color is white and the texture, people think I'm chewing on a gum and playing with it on my teeth/braces. It does make me feel more self-conscious to open my mouth widely either to laugh or smile or talk. And it is very tight, because it's folded twice (first tie to the upper cuspid, then stretch it to the lower cuspid, fold it under the hook of the lower cuspid then stretch it back to the upper cuspid and tie it there – so it's double fold or some kind). So anyway because of the tightness, when I yawn when I'm very tired or sleepy, it tends to snap apart so I have to replace it very often. I have to wear this rubber band full-time.

Front view

Also, the last time I went in there, they made an adjustment of my coil spring between my second molar and premolar (refer to this post). They want to create more space, because at the end of my orthodontic treatment, I will have to get an implant to fill that space. Oh no. I'm scared of the pain, and also it's quite expensive too – I'm very broke now! Anyway after that adjustment, my gum and teeth were more sensitive than ever. The throbbing pain from the coil spring, and the new elastic band.. Both are located around the same area, or the same side of my mouth, so it feels like the pain is tripling up. It was very sore and sensitive for the first 3 days, like usual.. only more pain this time.

The type of rubber band I have to wear

Anyway, I've returned to using an electric toothbrush now. I used to use electric toothbrush prior to wearing braces. But because the first few months of wearing braces, my teeth were all very sensitive.. I bid my electric toothbrush adieu. But now that I've grown used to the sensitivity or maybe my teeth and gum are already stronger and healthier, now I can go back using the electric toothbrush. And I can feel the improvement right away. My gum line always feels cleaner from food debris and plaque. Also the fun thing is choosing the head replacement. I've always used dual clean which is two heads - one is rotating and the other one moves sideways. But lately I've tried the Oral-B Pro White that features a special polishing cup for a naturally whiter smile. And just a few days ago I had to replace the head because it had worn out, right now I'm using Oral-B FlossAction head that has Micropulse bristles to penetrate deep between teeth to sweep away plaque. Next head toothbrush that I'm going to use in a few weeks is the ortho, it's a simpler head compared to the previous two that I tried on.

Also, I'm back using Crest 3D White, I tried Colgate Optic White, but for some reason I just feel Crest 3D White leaves me feeling cleaner than Colgate.

Sunday, February 5, 2012 0 comments

The color wheels

Color Wheels

This is the color wheel from my orthodontist's office. Other orthodontists may have different color wheels they use, depending on the brand they use in their offices. As you can see there are two wheels. You can rotate them. This allows you to have two colors combination, many people like it. Here in Washington, a lot of people choose the color combination of yellow-purple, referring to the color palette of UW. I personally stick to one color only.

Before I had my braces on, I planned on having tried wearing all of the colors by the end of my 2 years of wearing braces. But then I realized that I'm not as brave as I thought of myself. Mainly it's because I work in a corporate world, I feel very self conscious when I wear bold colors. So far I have honestly only tried light blue, light pink, silver, bright pink, and pearl white (regularly). And when I wear those other colors than white, many people look distracted whenever I'm talking to them... they will watch my mouth moving /my braces instead of my face.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012 0 comments

Progress II

For a quick comparison, here's my progress so far.
Monday, January 30, 2012 0 comments

January update

Happy new year! (way, way, way late)

I went in for both my cleaning and braces adjustment today. My gum is still so sore from the 'vigorous' cleaning. When my dental hygienist was doing her own 'thang' with all the instruments, I glanced down and happened to see the bleeding pick/probe. I instantly felt dizzy at the sight of blood. But unlike usually, my eyes didn't get all teary from the pain. My hygienist said that my gum looked very good and healthy. But after the cleaning she did ask me to rinse with an antiseptic mouthwash.

I did go in for my braces adjustment last Jan 9th to replace my appointment that was postponed last December because it was the holidays and my orthodontist's office was close. He said that he would make an adjustment the next time I came in (today), at that time he only instructed me to switch wearing my rubber band to halftime only (12 hours). Today he asked how often I had been wearing it, I said 12 hours (honestly? maybe only 8-10 hours during my bedtime). Today he told me to keep wearing it halftime. I do feel the gap is closing, so I'm happy with the progress. The assistant told me that for today the adjustment made is for my front teeth only.

the gap - as of today

I chose light blue this time for the chain color :P Below is the photo taken today with flash. (Aw man, it's too bright!) If you want to see the picture with no flash, refer back to the picture above instead.
