Saturday, September 10, 2011

A year!

Progress after 12 months (lower braces)
6 months (upper braces).

Teeth are aligned better, progress of closing gap is quite slow. But every month when I come in for my braces tightening appointment, I can tell that it's moving because just within 1-2 weeks, the wires (both upper and lower braces) start poking my cheek again. The poking wire gets quite painful and uncomfortable at times. I can always come in to get the poking wires trimmed, but I never did because of my busy schedule :(

As for the color of the chains I usually go for the pearl color. But sometimes I forgot and eat curry, then the chains will get yellow stains, very unattractive. So this time I go for bold color: silver! Ha. I went for bright pink color before too, worked pretty great and didn't get stains - from what I can remember.

the gap that still needs to close
(extraction date of this tooth: August 26, 2010)


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